Non-NHS Services

The practice makes the following charges for non-NHS administrative and clinical services, which are generally in line with BMA British Medical Association approved rates.

Usually Dr Mittal provides the private and professional service for his patients outside NHS contract and, as this work is done in his own time, he is entitled to make charge. This charge partially covers the clinical and administrative cost.

An extensive list of services and charges is listed below:


Certificates/Letters – Without Examination
Covid Health Certificate (When not available free from NHS) Subject to review.Min. £50.00
Straightforward Certificates of Fact (i.e. confirming it is safe to carry medicine/Epipen on board a flight).Min. £50.00
Proof of Registration LetterMin. £50.00 per patient
Passport application formMin. £50.00
European Settlement Status – Evidence required (Date when registered and all consultations/from other countries to remain in the UK)Min. £50.00
Private PrescriptionMin. £30.00
Fitness to Travel (basic – usually only valid 2 weeks prior to flight – may require GP appointment)£50.00
Immunisation Forms to be checked by NursesMin. £50.00
Fitness to Attend – School,sports, etc.Report – No Examination£20.00
Private Sick Note (Incapacity Certificate – under 7 working days)Min. £50.00
School Fees, Special/Extenuating Circumstance Letters for Students Attending School/College/UniversityMin. £50.00
Gym Cancellation Support LettersMin. £50.00
Accident/Sickness Insurance Certificate (short certificate of incapacity)Range of £90.00 to £250.00 based on amount of work done.
Without Examination for patient to claim under accident/sickness insurance
Freedom from infection certificate (for school, travel, employment)
Private Medical Insurance (PMI) Claim Form – to support claim/benefit in connection with PMI or completion of a ‘pre-treatment’ form
Medical health references and occupational health forms
Complex health club brief written medical certificate to confirm that a patient is fit to exercise

Insurance Reports
Please note: Patients have the right to see the report before it is sent to the insurance company. If a request is made, the insurance company should inform the GP and the patient has 21 days to arrange to see it. After this period, by law, we are expected to send the completed report with or without patient’s approval.
Holiday Cancellation/Insurance Claim FormsMin. £50.00
GP Report – No ExaminationMin £120.00
Supplementary ReportMin. £30.00
Targeted report/specific condition (if no prior GPR)£70.00
Solicitors’ ReportMin £140.00

Access to Medical Records under Data Protection Act
Computerised Records/Manual Records/Manual and Computerised Records – request may be fulfilled within 30 days.(Patient Online Access allows access to medical records with no time restrictions)No Charge (Unless deemed repetitive/excessive – set by Practice)
Copy of Yellow Fever Booklet/Immunisation£40.00
Extract from recordsMin. £90.00

Medical Examinations
Pre-employment/Other£51.25/15mins or £205.00/1 hr
Pregnancy Fit to FlyMin. £50.00 (10min. appt)
ECG/Spirometry performed in-house as part of medical examinationExtra £96.00 each
Blood Taken (seen by in-house Phlebotomist) as part of medical examinationExtra £32.00
Passenger Med Clearance (MEDA) i.e. Peanut AllergyMin. £50.00
Fit/Not Fit to attend or participate in sports/modelling/coursesMin. £50.00
Fit for Marathon (forms/certificate to be completed)Min. £50.00 (10min. appt)
COP3 with/without examinationMin. £235.00
Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) with/without examinationMin. £235.00

International Certificate of Vaccination£40.00
Yellow Fever/Meningitis ACWY/Rabies£70.00/shot
Hep B£45.00/shot

Driving Medical Exam
Driving Fitness (renew license) Racing DriverRange of £90.00 to £250.00 based on amount of work done.
Elderly License
Sports License
HGV (lorry)
TFL eg. Taxi License (excluding eye test)
DVLA Seat Belt Exemption with/without medical examination
DVLA Medical Questionnaire with/without Examination (please allow 30 min appt.)

Charges may vary with the decision of the doctor from time to time.